Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Nothing new here; just a post to let me access a few more photos while I'm on the go... I haven't found a photo-sharing site that I'm happy with yet, and this works.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Got the roof covered just in time!

Right now, the sound of rain falling tarps is the most beautiful sound in the world. 

I took another half-day off of work to make a final push on the garage and get the roof covered. I got the rest of the plywood that I had on hand put up on the roof and nailed off... still missing three sheets, but the tarps will cover that gap just fine on this steep of a roof. 

As I halfway expected when I started into the roof-building, the first drops in a forecast 10+ days of rain started falling just as I finished tacking the tarps in place. The actual roofing will have to wait until I get a nice long stretch of clear weather; at least now I can be out of the rain while I work on interior stuff and some areas of the wall sheathing, and the roof sheathing won't get trashed while I wait for the rain to clear.