Monday, November 23, 2015

Another nice long day of house-building today. It was a very pleasant day for working: cold enough that working at a brisk pace kept me just warm enough to be comfortable in a t-shirt. I guess that's a fair trade for very short days.

Before I jumped into the chore of finishing the second floor deck, I had a little fun with rafter tails. I'm glad I checked this one carefully before cutting all of my rafters, because I cut the bearing notch backwards the first time (12:10 pitch rather than 10:12, which would have been a comically-steep roof). Just having this one little piece in place helped tremendously with visualizing the second floor space.

Here's another view of the rafter tail template where you can see the spacer board more clearly. I'm going with double rafters because I'm matching the second floor joist spacing (32"), and I decided to space them 3/4" apart just  to make it a little more visually interesting.

Here it is... a completed second floor. Ready to start framing the roof!

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