Saturday, August 1, 2015

Fortunately, the forms are coming apart a lot quicker than they went together...
I ended up with a lot of rock pockets at this end of the wall because it was hard to get to with the vibrator. I still like the way it looks, and I think it will look just right once it's cleaned up and the rest of the building is in place.

As I suspected, this wall is turning out to look pretty epic, and it's exciting to see it unfolding. I would still be out there pulling forms to see the rest of it if I hadn't run out of daylight.

Last shot before leaving for the day. This will be the first view of the house coming in the driveway; I'm glad I put some effort into this end of the retaining wall - it would have been a waste to gloss over one of the most visible parts of the project.

I expect that pulling the forms on the back side of the wall will get very interesting... I ran into a wasp-nest in the hillside when I was building the forms. I noticed a few buzzing around my head, looked down, and saw a cloud of pissed-off wasps pouring out of the hillside. That's the fastest I've run in quite a while. Only one of them stuck with me and stung me in the armpit. I wonder what they'll think of the form boards falling on the entrance to their nest.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! Looks so good! What a lot of work...I can relate. 35 years ago your Dad and I were learning similar things. I repeat, what a lot of work! Good job! :-)
