Saturday, August 22, 2015

Chipping away at the framing...

Started into the second floor framing today. I got six of the eight 4x8 joists torched, brushed, cleaned, and lifted into place.
Ready to get to work...

This finishing process makes regular framing lumber look kind of awesome.

Getting the joists up to the second floor was actually relatively straight-forward. Through the window opening, lift one end up to rest on the center beam, slide it up until it's past the midpoint and let it fall down onto the concrete wall, then shimmy it into position and flip it right-side-up. I did all of the moving and sliding upside down so I wouldn't damage the finish on the parts that will be visible.

It's been a while since I've taken a walk up the hill... looks like the skeleton is coming together nicely.

I worked until I ran out of light. Having the center beam and a handful of joists in place is quickly giving me a feeling for how the space will feel when it's completed... and I really like how it's turning out!

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